Welcome to CrossFit 666

Passionate Coaches

Challenging Workouts

Off the carbs, off the couch

The magic is in the movements

Why CrossFit 666?

CrossFit 666 isn’t a typical gym, we don’t have rows upon rows of machines, we have believe in building a strong foundation of functional movements. Our passionate team of coaches want to help you achieve all of your fitness goals and improve your quality of life.

Please stop by and talk to one of our coaches who will happily answer any questions.

Getting Started:


We recommend anyone who wants to try us out start with one of our fast and fun taster classes.

This will be a coached session, giving you an introduction to the CrossFit environment and some of the modalities we use. All elements of the class can be scaled to suit any level of fitness or accommodate any niggles or old injuries.

Once you’ve experienced a taster session with us we can discuss your fitness goals and how we can help you achieve them.

Register for a taster session here to get started.

PRICES and SIGNUP Information

All classes are led by our expert coaches. There job is to help you reach your goals and to give you a great workout amongst our great community.


News from Crossfit 666

'Murph' prep under way @CF666

A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that routine activity may help protect people who get COVID-19 from becoming seriously ill. Book your taster session today!

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