What is CrossFit?


The magic is in the movements. Workouts are different every day and modified to help each athlete achieve his or her goals. CrossFit workouts can be adapted for people at any age and level of fitness



Off the carbs, off the couch. The CrossFit lifestyle—a combination of diet and exercise—is the key to fitness and long-term health.



Your support network. At more than 15,000 affiliates around the world, people encourage and motivate each other in every class as they work toward their goals. Start training with friends.

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"Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat."

Greg Glassman, CrossFit Founder


Is CrossFit® for me?

Yes. Everyone can do CrossFit regardless of age, injuries and current fitness levels. The program is modified for each person to help him or her safely become healthier and fitter. Grandparents and Olympians can perform modified versions of the same general workout.

Where can I do CrossFit?

You can use resources to do CrossFit anywhere—even with minimal equipment. To work with a credentialed coach in a dedicated, fully equipped facility join Crossfit 666 today!

Do I need to be in shape to start CrossFit?

No. CrossFit is the program that will get you in shape. No matter what your current fitness level is, you can start CrossFit. As you become fitter, workouts will become more challenging. Every workout is designed to help you succeed, improve fitness and move you toward your goals. People Who Started CrossFit.

What about nutrition?

No. CrossFit is the program that will get you in shape. No matter what your current fitness level is, you can start CrossFit. As you become fitter, workouts will become more challenging. Every workout is designed to help you succeed, improve fitness and move you toward your goals. Learn More About Nutrition.